Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Effective Elements of Alcoholism Treatment and Drug Rehab Programs

Tip! The National Institute on Drug Abuse recently published Principles of Effective Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Treatment which provides a detailed discussion on how we must treat all aspects of the individual, not just the biological component or the behavioral component. As with other brain diseases such as schizophrenia and depression, the data show that the best drug addiction or drug rehab treatment approaches attend to the entire individual, combining the use of medications, behavioral therapies, social services, rehab and involvement in significant support groups.

Maintaining a belief that addiction is a disease of the brain and understanding the other aspects associated with addiction and alcoholism speaks to what needs to be provided in drug rehab programs. Above all else, we must maintain remember we are here to treat the whole person, not just a behavior or a way of thinking.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse recently published Principles of Effective Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Treatment which provides a detailed discussion on how we must treat all aspects of the individual, not just the biological component or the behavioral component. As with other brain diseases such as schizophrenia and depression, the data show that the best drug addiction or drug rehab treatment approaches attend to the entire individual, combining the use of medications, behavioral therapies, social services, rehab and involvement in significant support groups. This does not mean that all individuals need all components of addiction treatment and rehab services.

Tip! A good program will focus intensely on both the mind and the physical aspects of breaking an addiction. Integral to a good drug rehab program is also a good thorough drug detox sub-program.

Another principle of effective addiction treatment in rehab is that the array of services included in an individual's treatment plan must be matched to his or her particular set of needs. Since those needs will surely change over the course of recovery, the services provided will need to be continually reassessed and adjusted. To make a well-informed decision when selecting an alcohol or drug rehab program, learn about all addiction treatment options available, and, of course, seek professional help for the addict as early as possible.

Jonathan Huttner is one of the the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, an addiction treatment, alcohol and drug rehab facility. Addiction treatment information and free live help 24/7 is being provided online at RecoveryConnection.org.

Drug Rehab Treatment Healing

Tip! So the first key is to focus on the credentials of the physician running the program. There are various examinations undertaken in detox or drug rehab, so make sure that your doctor is a specialist vis-à-vis drug detoxification.

Drug Treatment Recovery Healing

My friend Susan was going on vacation for a month and asked me to substitute for her at the local drug rehab center at her Wednesday yoga and meditation class.

It truly was an experience I'll never forget as I watched people's bodies and minds relax. I was struck by the strong determination that was applied towards learning the different forms of breathing as well as various meditations. I think the
residents found it helpful to see they could channel the same drive they had used to locate drugs to their own healing.

It's always good to use try and direct the natural tendencies you have for a higher purpose. For instance, an "addictive" personality can redirect this to areas such as meditation, exercise or writing a journal. This I have found is much better
than fighting with oneself and trying to "stop" one's tendencies. This is one's passion and it should be used for one's evolution.

Tip! Jonathan Huttner is one of the the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, an addiction treatment, alcohol and drug rehab facility. Addiction treatment information and free live help 24/7 is being provided online at RecoveryConnection.

If you are taking yoga please keep in mind it's not about competing with others but in "stretching " yourself inwardly further than you thought you could go. If you can be patient when you hold a posture , that quality will also carry into daily life as well.

You also will develop tools you can use for stressful situations such as deep breathing, visualizations of your true potential and inner joy. Even if you only feel good for an hour
after doing some yoga or meditation , it is a center that grows and you can remember it when you become agitated around other residents or towards your parents.

Tip! For free information on drug rehab and much other information pertaining to beating drugs check out our website at http://drug.rehab4free.

Robin , a 20 year old, fighting prescription drug addiction said to me that she just wanted to ease the pain but realized that pain is a feeling she could watch. It really was wonderful to see the ability to watch one's mind that the residents
developed with a little practice. In the east they refer to the mind as a drunken monkey- not just wandering from thought to thought, but a drunken monkey stung by a scorpion. Sometimes it seems so restless and jumpy , plus out of control. Take a
few moments to watch it and discover some true jewels.

Dee Cohen is a licensed social worker and certified yoga teacher in Florida. Visit for more healing tips:

Drug Rehab - Positive Visualization

Tip! In most cases, drug rehab will be powerful for the individual. First, the individual will have to commit to it.

For us to see our future in all of its clarity, we must first examine our past and our present in great detail. All of the things which tear us apart need to somehow be put to rest, and all of the things which make us happy to be alive must be kept close to us and cherished. Positive visualization of a future without drugs is the starting point to all drug rehab efforts. You have got to know where your future happiness lies before you can depart on your journey to arrive there.

Drugs enter ones life and gradually shape it around itself. Everything which was once important and foremost in our lives has now become an afterthought. Everything which is negative is tipping us towards taking drugs to cope. They become our weakness, but we kid ourselves they are our strength. We have got to undo this way of thinking.

Tip! So the first key is to focus on the credentials of the physician running the program. There are various examinations undertaken in detox or drug rehab, so make sure that your doctor is a specialist vis-à-vis drug detoxification.

When we fail to believe what is clearly within the realms of possibility we fail to recover from our drug problems. We can see no way out now, because this is what we have created ourselves, with the help of drugs. We have created a matrix consisting of us and drugs where everything else is simply a distraction from drugs. Life makes us unhappy, but drugs make us happy, yet we know deep down, even though we try and suppress this thought that we are wrong, so very wrong.

Tip! For free information on drug rehab and much other information pertaining to beating drugs check out our website at http://drug.rehab4free.

One way to positively change is to write down all of the things, past and present, which make us unhappy, and which make us happy and be truthful with ourselves. We have got to work on cutting out the things which make us unhappy as these are the things which push us towards drugs. They are our drugs-controlled subconscious's way of keeping us trapped. They are our excuse to be unhappy and to take more drugs.

Tip! • Many times, drug rehab helps individuals rebuild their lives as well.

Then, we must write down what we really want from life. It may seem a million miles away and totally unachievable but write it down anyway. Write down all of the happy thoughts, wishes and dreams which give you that heart-warming glow. Only when we truly want something and we feel it in our hearts can we truly pursue it with all our hearts.

We must realize we can't simply shift from ultra-negative to ultra-positive. Change does, inevitably, take time. But really work at it. Any of the things which make you unhappy you must leave behind. All of the things which make you happy you must take with you towards your new future. They are your support, your hope. Never lose sight of what you want, and never ever give up. Everything which we are, everything which we do is all in the mind, decide you want to be happy and drugs free and keep telling yourself the same constantly and you will become so.

Tip! Jonathan Huttner is one of the the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, an addiction treatment, alcohol and drug rehab facility.

The Extensiveness Of Drug Rehab

Tip! Jay B Stockman is a contributing editor for Drug Rehab Programs Visit http://newdrug-rehab-center.com/ for more information.

Drug rehab is not fun. It is not a day in the park. It is one of the most challenging aspects of anyone's life. Those who have not had to deal with it can not understand it. Nor can any person who is addicted to drugs or simply taking their first hit realize what it will mean to stop and to get into drug rehab. The simple fact is, though, that drug rehab works.

What is it? Drug rehab or rehabilitation is a process. In many cases, individuals will be checked into a stay at a local home or in a medical facility and will undergo a series of tests. Almost like a jail, individuals will face time and time of questioning, of tests, of people that may not understand. In the end, the goal is to allow the patient to rid their bodies of the drugs that once invaded them. And, then, to allow them to build up their lives so that they realize that drugs are not important, necessary or good.

Tip! Jonathan Huttner is one of the the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, an addiction treatment, alcohol and drug rehab facility.

In most cases, drug rehab will be powerful for the individual. First, the individual will have to commit to it. In some cases, they can be forced into it by their families or by a judge. But, if and when they commit to being clean, this is when the true healing is to start. Here are some things that drug rehab will deal with:

• The first order of business is getting the drugs out of the system. This seems easy from the outside, but the cravings, the body's withdrawal and the addiction is far from easy to get through. Medically, patience may need help as well as physical help restraints so that they do not hurt themselves.

• During this cycle, patients will also work with counselors to develop an understanding of why they started to take drugs. And, work through those problems.

• There will be needs such as allowing for family members to meet with the individuals and group sessions to help them.

• Screenings will help them to realize how far they have come.

• Many times, drug rehab helps individuals rebuild their lives as well.

Drug Rehab - 12 Steps or Less?

Tip! Jonathan Huttner is one of the the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, an addiction treatment, alcohol and drug rehab facility. Addiction treatment information and free live help 24/7 is being provided online at RecoveryConnection.

The 12 step rehab program is infamous. It was originally formed by Alcoholics Anonymous, but has since been successfully adapted and applied to many drug rehab programs. Narcotics Anonymous was the first drug ‘support group' to adopt the 12 step program.

Essential to the 12 step programs, both Alcoholic's Anonymous and Narcotic's Anonymous is spirituality. This doesn't mean one is required to believe in Allah, Jesus or be of any pre-existing faith. Instead, each member is encouraged to simply put their faith in a ‘higher power', and this can be of any design they choose.

Tip! Rehab provides detailed information about rehab, alcohol rehab, cardiac rehab, drug rehab and more. Rehab is the sister site of Medical Alert Bracelets.

Both the AA and NA consist entirely of addicts and ex-addicts, or recovering addicts, as they refer to themselves. They are a self-sustaining group. They are both non-profit organisations and don't employ professional therapists or counsellors. Nor do they operate any residential alcohol or drug rehab centers.

Although both the AA and NA have operated successfully for many, many years, they nevertheless have their critics. Many of who argue the 12 step system is outdated, and question its effectiveness in modern times. Also by encouraging people to put their faith in a ‘higher power' which is the core train of thought for the 12 step program followers, many critics feel this takes away from the individuals own achievements and efforts and hands their process-of-recovery into the hands of an outward-power. Many believe the key to cracking addiction lies in believing more in ones self than in a higher power.

Tip! A good program will focus intensely on both the mind and the physical aspects of breaking an addiction. Integral to a good drug rehab program is also a good thorough drug detox sub-program.

The question is which is more effective? Encouraging the individual to empower themselves and believe in themselves, or encouraging them to believe in a higher power and put all failure and achievement in that?

The answer is, perhaps, whoever you believe in most, a higher power or yourself.

Drug Rehab, Death, or Education - You Choose

Tip! A good program will focus intensely on both the mind and the physical aspects of breaking an addiction. Integral to a good drug rehab program is also a good thorough drug detox sub-program.

It is a well known fact that we form much of our habits and outlook on life during childhood. Here we are at our most impressionable. A child who has grown up surrounded by a certain way of living is likely to carry on this pattern of behaviour on into adulthood themselves. Drug rehab or death - with a whole lot of despair and suffering in between - is usually the end result for someone with a drugs problem. We firmly believe all of this can be avoided by simply educating a child about drug abuse at a young age.

A vast majority of people who started taking drugs didn't do so to escape a problem in their lives (although many did/do), but simply because they took the drugs out of curiosity. Before they knew it, they were addicted and their lives fell apart. Tragic, but that is the reality of drugs. But what did they know about the dangers and outcome they would eventually receive when they first started taking drugs? Did they know they would become addicted? Did they know how dangerous the drugs were? Did they even consider any of these things?

Tip! Jonathan Huttner is one of the the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, an addiction treatment, alcohol and drug rehab facility. Addiction treatment information and free live help 24/7 is being provided online at RecoveryConnection.

Many people blindly do, and ask questions later - or not at all. And many a life has been ruined by drugs simply because when the person started taking them they basically had no idea at all of the damage they would do to themselves and their life. They simply did it because they got a cheap ‘buzz' from it, and therefore did it again. Drugs offer a hollow, fast appearing and fast disappearing pleasure. Some drugs are lethal and can kill you in a second. For instance did you know of the dangers of domestic substances, which many youngsters abuse for a high? Such as lighter fluid/gas - which can kill you in an instant it is so dangerous. More often than not when it comes to drugs, it is a case of what you DON'T know can kill you.

Tip! In most cases, drug rehab will be powerful for the individual. First, the individual will have to commit to it.